
Buscador de infoproductos en CB.Toda la informacion necesaria en solo un programa.Esta full.Tiene agregado un archivo con seriales,para su pleno funcionamiento.Hay una explicacion en un video.wmv.Esta en ingles.

Dominating CB by Andrew Fox
Una serie de videos en ingles para dominar clickbank

Una explicacion en ingles.

Andrew Fox is the creator of the newest clickbank product called Dominating CB. The product includes 9 high quality, pure content camtasia videos explaining how to make money with clickbank.
The entire video course mainly is designed to teach you how to sell resell rights products through the clickbank affiliate network.
The first video provides some intro about Andrew Fox and what is going to be inlcuded in the course.
The second video goes into more details about selling resell rights products.
The third video shows you how to set up your sales page.
The fourth video goes into Andrew’s technique of setting up the affiliate page for your product.
The fifth video shows how you can profit from Google Adwords.
The sixth video discusses jv approach to maximize your earnings.
The seventh video shows how to use Clickbank accountant software.
The eighth video shows how you can start promoting your new product and some secret resources that Andrew Fox is using himself.
The last ninth video will get you a free month of hosting.
When I joined the Dominating CB program there were some issues with the videos so I almost requested a refund, but Andrew has fixed the problem and now I am very satisfied with the content he provides in his videos.
If you want to check out more about this product then click the link below.